Corporate Offering
Tariffs and quotations may be obtained by requesting a quotation from the Academy at info@ebda.co.za. A consultant will contact you within 48 hours and structure a package for you.
The EBDA personnel consult to internal and external clients on a number of topics that include, but are not limited to, the following:
All SETA matters including:
- The submission of Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports, and the processing of levies and claims
- Assessment and moderation
- EBDA offers a comprehensive service in facilitating in-house accreditation with all of the SETA’s. This includes the design and implementation of Quality Management Systems including the SABS approved ISO9001:2008 standard.
- Ensuring compliance with legislative requirements
- Setting up the internal structures and reporting formats to enable the processing of SETA matters
- Training of Assessors, Moderators and Skills Development Facilitators
- Registration of learnerships
- Design and implementation of Quality Management Systems
- All corporate Employment Equity requirements as per legislative requirements
- Organisational transformational policies & strategies
All Human Resource Development requirements including:
- Policy and strategy formulation
- Setting up monitoring and planning forums and reporting structures
- Development and implementation of HRD procedures and controls, including personal and departmental development plans
- Design and implementation of Performance Management Systems
- General management consulting in areas such as strategic planning and objective setting, team building, diversity management, instilling of corporate value sets, organisational development and change management.
- Employee Relations matters
- Worklife coaching and mentoring
Looking for a Training Provider?
EBDA is the leading training provider in Ekurhuleni, South Africa of:
Construction & Portal Skills • Engineering Skills • Operator Licensing
Metallurgical and Minerals Processing Skills • Health & Safety Courses
Adult Basic Education & Training (AET)
Host Engineering Learners
Should you be interested in becoming a host company or require any further information, please contact the Ergo Business Development Academy (EBDA) on (011) 742-1045/51 or via email on info@ebda.co.za or fill in the contact form and we will get back to you within 48 hours.
There are numerous benefits for participating companies for taking these learners on board, regardless of whether a company is a levypaying institution or not. Some of the benefits for both levy-paying and non-levy paying companies include:
No costs including stipends
The learner must agree to adhere to all the host company’s policies and procedures